
Shire and Soke

The members of Shire and Soke are

The members of Shire & Soke are The church leaders and their representatives from the mainstream denominations - Anglican, Baptist, Catholic, Methodist, United Reformed Churches and the Salvation Army..

Shire and Soke is the Intermediate Body between the national Churches Together in England and local Churches Together groups.

Shire and Soke works

  • to support and develop ecumenical activity locally
  • to be a formal link between local Churches Together groups and the national Churches Together in England (CTE)
    as the Intermediate Body
  • to oversee Local Ecumenical Partnerships (LEPs)
    as the Sponsoring Body
  • to provide information, advice, and encouragement to
    churches in Northamptonshire and Peterborough.

Our Constitution

Shire and Soke Executive

Church Leaders

Churches Together Groups

Local Ecumenical Partnerships