
Working Together in Mission

Working together makes sense, particularly as Christian communities desire to grow in places where there are new housing developments.
These documents are the result of drawing on the diverse experiences of some new churches in Northamptonshire. They are aimed at helping churches with differing needs and at different stages of development, so if you are planning to work in partnership with another church, read on!

A Checklist for Pioneering Mission Projects

These 20 questions are produced as an aid and a checklist for those beginning pioneering mission projects such as church plants, fresh expressions and crossing places. Link to Document

Providing a Welcome

Ten Top Tips for local church groups to welcome residents of new housing developments to your church and community. Link to Document

Signing a Declaration of Intent

If you are planning to start a partnership with another church, it is good to begin by thinking about what unites you before you start drafting detailed constitutions. The covenant, a declaration of intent, should be signed during the course of a solemn act of worship, attended by as many people as possible from the partner Churches and at least one Sponsoring Body representative from each of the denominations represented.

Some of the seven member churches of Churches Together in Central Peterborough

Here is a Sample Declaration of Intent of the kind used by many such partnerships:
Declaration of Intent (pdf)

An Anglican-Baptist Partnership in Northampton: Church on the Heath